Churches In Haiti
Below are the main Christian denominations. Many host annual mission trips. Please contact churches directly for mission trips plans and sistership/ collaboration programs.
Catholic: ~7M
Baptist: ~520K
Seventh Day Adventist:~400K
Pentecostal/ Church of God:~340K
Nazarene:~ 260K
Episcopal/Anglican:~180K, ~100 churches
Lutheran: ~44K
Church of Christ:~15K
Salvation Army
Below is a breakdown of percentage religious affiliation in Haiti according to a survey by the Haitian Government's Planning Ministry.
AR=Artibonite; CE= Centre; GA & NI= Grand'Anse & Nippes; ND= Nord; NE= Nord-Est
NO= Nord-Ouest; SD= Sud; OU= Ouest; SE= Sud-Est;
Source: Haiti Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Religious Affairs Survey